APRIL 2020: Working through challenging times during lockdown

How MWI operates our business in challenging times to support our customers particularly on their critical projects.

Whilst we accept that we are living and operating our businesses in challenging times, MW is doing everything possible to ensure that we can support our customers, particularly on their critical projects.

We closed the facility briefly to consider appropriate steps to ensure the safety of staff and operational procedures. We are now open and manufacturing and we are taking all the appropriate precautions including –

  • regular communication to and with employees
  • a review of all working procedures while maintaining safety at all times
  • moving to a split shift arrangement to minimise numbers of personnel within the facility at any one time,
  • introducing a flexible working arrangement according to demand
  • introducing the recommended social distancing within the workplace,
  • staggering work-breaks to ensure staff welfare,
  • providing all with relevant PPE

MW has been working under these new arrangements successfully for the past two weeks and has been able to deliver urgently required shipments to customers and at the same time build healthy stock levels of popular sizes.

We will continue to monitor and review our processes in conjunction with our employees to ensure that safe working is maintained as we move forward.

Please be assured we are ready and prepared to supply and support our customers as always.


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