SUPAPHENSupaphen is a high performance phenolic thermal pipe insulation which meets the requirements of European standard EN14314 and is used primarily for the lagging of chilled, cold, hot and heating pipe work.

Supaphen has been assessed and has a BRE Global verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in accordance with the requirements of EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 and BRE Global Scheme Document SD207. Please visit the BRE Green Guide tab on our page to download the documents.

Supaphen is highly thermally efficient with an independently tested K value (thermal conductivity) of 0.025 W/m·K at 10ºC mean temperature.

Supaphen has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP). Supaphen is closed cell, resisting moisture ingress. Supaphen is fire and smoke safe and has been independently tested at Exova Warrington Fire in the UK as a pipe section to the required standard EN13501-1 achieving a rating of BL s1 d0.

Supaphen is manufactured as a rigid block at a standard density of 40kg/m3. MW Insulation cuts pipe sections from these blocks to very close tolerances ensuring a close fit to the pipe.

Supaphen is manufactured with a silicate solution which is introduced at foam manufacturing stage. This unique feature ensures the bore coating is present not only at the pipe/insulation interface but throughout the product making it effective after the product is cut for elbows, fittings and welded joints. Additionally, and in line with the NES Y50 specification, the inner bore of Supaphen pipe sections are also treated with a factory applied dust suppressing passivating bore coating solution.

MW Insulation factory applies a plain Class 0 aluminium foil vapour barrier to the Supaphen pipe sections. Other facings available on request. Supaphen is also available in higher densities for the manufacture of load bearing thermally insulating pipe supports.

Independent test data is available on request.

J772_TLC_MWI_Supapir_PV_Image_Retouched (1).png Alternative factory applied facings are also available including Proclad 150 and Temati Vapor-Fas in silver, stucco embossed, black and white. Mylar type facing is also available.

Please contact Mike Whelan or Scott Milner on 0161 877 1608 for further information and technical support.


Contact our Support Team for the Supaphen Phenolic and HD Pipe Support Data Sheets, Declaration of Performance and Specifications Guidelines. Email


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